‘The Host’ Mentioned in Article About Burgeoning Louisiana Film Industry

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‘The Advocate’ published an article on the 3rd talking about the growing film industry in Louisiana. The beginning of the article opens with the following blurb about the set of ‘The Host’:

On a recent morning, a nicely-dressed woman was wandering the honeycomb of hallways and sound studios in the O’Connor Building on the Celtic Media Centre campus in Baton Rouge. Over one shoulder was a well-stocked baby tote, while she cradled a plump, barefoot infant outfitted in a curiously filthy T-shirt and diaper.

The baby happened to be one of the younger actors on set that day working on the movie “The Host,” a $44 million film project that plans to spend about $33 million in Louisiana, according to state film industry officials. The movie, based on the book of the same title by Stephenie Meyer of “Twilight” fame, is set to open in theaters next March.

It’s not clear what role the child — or any of the other disheveled-looking actors milling about — holds in the sci-fi film. Details like these are tightly guarded by film officials, who were explicit about keeping reporters off the sets.

What does seem clear is that big-budget studio pictures like these are becoming more common in the state.

Thanks to Seasick boy for tipping us off to this article!

It seems like they’re pretty intent on keeping this project’s details under wraps for the time being. I don’t remember this level of secrecy surrounding the ‘Twilight’ film, but I could be wrong. I wonder if this is the studio’s or Niccol’s choice or if this is a reaction to Meyer’s privacy being previously violated when someone stole her work on ‘Midnight Sun’ (‘Twilight’ from Edwards point of view) and ultimately ended her work on that novel, at least for the time being. There was also that situation with ‘Breaking Dawn’ where I believe dailies were being stolen and released to the public. If anyone has any ideas on the reasoning behind all this secrecy, please let us know! Personally, I think it just shows that they’re taking this project seriously and I appreciate that.

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